Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Opening in the Hayes

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What a time to be a light in the haze (Hayes)! Through turmoil in the Catholic Church, society, and for people personally, hope is needed! Light is essential to break through the darkness, and thus this blog is to be a means to that.

My name is Gabrielle Hayes. I am nearing the end of college career as I am a senior at Mount St. Mary’s University. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here on Mary’s Mountain which has lead me to grow in a deeper appreciation of the one thing I deem most important, my faith, the Catholic faith. I have enjoyed it so much that I decided to make one of my majors pertain to it specifically: Theology (the other being Communication). And with the same token, my second major of Communication is allowing me to share my faith in a more relatable and accessible way.  

As I brace myself and prepare to take the next steps for my future, I am reminded more than ever that I am called to be a saint. I am to grow in holiness each day. The Catholic Church has endured many trials throughout the years. The coolest thing about those trials is that God prevailed and he raised up incredible witnesses who become saints. Those saints influenced those around them, sparking renewal and deeper love and faithfulness to the Church. We are currently in times of great trial, and it is upsetting, sickening, and depressing when we think about it, but this is our time, our chance to grow ever closer to Christ, and I am convinced of it. I am determined to find it and share it through my life and specifically in this blog.

When I think about how the current situation with the Church affects my outlook for my future career, I am not deterred but rather encouraged and motivated to defend, protect, and promote the Church more than ever. I am a sinner in this mess of a Church but I desire to be a saint, and look to the head of the Church, Jesus Christ, to lead us through. He is the true and overwhelming Light the breaks through and destroys the Haze, yet He does so by working through people like you and me, and I am excited to see how that will be revealed each and every day.