Thursday, October 4, 2018

Angels in Our Field

One of the greatest things about being a Catholic is the simplicity of the faith. It is so beautiful. While this at times is difficult, it often times is meant to be a simple thing. Jesus called his followers to be like children! That is something attainable for all of us.

A belief that we have that often reminds me to be like a child, is the belief in angels. This past Tuesday, October 2, we celebrated the feast of the guardian angels, and before that on Saturday, September 29, we celebrated the feast of the archangels. What great days! These angels are really some of our greatest advocates, and the sad thing is we don’t even appreciate them. Sometimes when I think of angels, I get a good laugh out of the first image in my head: Angels in the Outfield. While this film may not be the most theologically accurate representation or realistic, it still portrays how angels are with us all of the time. They are with the characters throughout the movie to help bring about good, provide protection, and they are there to guide the characters. One child is able to see the angels and pleads for people to believe and have faith. Eventually the belief is accepted which helps them to act with confidence. You can see how the belief of angels transforms people just in this clip:
If we allow ourselves to strip away our pridefulness, independence, and strength, we see our true self. We are broken human beings that are incapable of doing anything on our own. We need God! Thanks be to God, that He loves us in such a way that He provides so great a means to help us to be brought closer to Him. We literally have angels to help us.
We are not alone! There are so many beings that are with us to help us, guide us, and protect us. When we are children we often are taught all about these angels and saints, and we believe it! But then what happens to us? We forget they are there. How unfortunate! We are each assigned a guardian angel, and we are constantly surrounded by many more. Just think how different we would act if we just trusted. At each Mass there are hosts of angels present adoring the Lord, as well as at every tabernacle. It is so hard to imagine but we must allow ourselves to let go of our human reasoning, just a bit, in order to begin to understand. Then we will be transformed
In the Bible, several people are recorded to have been visited by angels. These angels were seen as people of God. There was awe and fear upon an encounter. People thought they would die from that instance, but rather their lives were transformed by this encounter. People like Mary, Jesus’ own mother, accepted great gifts and forever were set apart for God. To think that we each already have a guardian angel means we too are set apart for God. Let us not forget!

Angel of God
My guardian dear
To Whom His love
Commits me here
Ever this day
Be at my side
To light and guard
  To rule and guide. Amen

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